Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pre - Solo Thoughts

On the Sunday after Thanksgiving, November 30Th, 2008, I am scheduled for my first solo flight. It is perhaps the single most significant moment for me as a student pilot. It is the moment when all of my training, preparation, practice and patience all come together and allow me to take the controls of an airplane without the supervision of my flight instructor.

It will be a moment in my life that I will never forget. Flying has been a dream of mine since a very young age. I remember being about seven years old when an F-14 jet flew overhead, I could feel the vibrations from the engines as it roared passed causing loud thunder sounds. Those vibrations shook my heart and from that moment on I knew that one day I would be a pilot.

On Sunday I will be one step closer to that goal. I will be at the controls of an airplane with no one else there next to me, my flight instructor will not be there to reassure me that a decision I have made is the right one. I will have to rely on my training and will be solely responsible for the safety of my flight.

I look forward to the moment when the wheels of the plane lift off the ground as I accelerate down the runway. And at that moment, when the aerodynamic forces cause the airplane to fly, there will be greater forces acting on my mind and heart as I get one step closer to accomplishing a lifelong goal, and a goal that man has dreamed of since the beginning of time.

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